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Hallie's Studio

15821 Knollview DrTampa, FL 33624
Phone: 813-841-1216
Business Hours: Sun-Sat 6 a.m.-8 p.m.Email: halliesstudio@gmail.comWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Hallie's Studio is a music studio providing Suzuki flute lessons ages 3-18, early childhood music education with Music Together ages birth-5, and homeschool music education in the Tampa Bay Area and online! Our mission is to make the world a more beautiful place by nurturing children through music and connecting families with this common interest. Hallie Chandola, owner and teacher, is a highly trained Suzuki Flute teacher and Early Childhood Specialist, who knows all the tips and tricks to make learning serious music fun for all ages and abilities. Hallie's Studio has enabled many children to play music to a high standard from very young ages. Many students have become accomplished musicians in All-State bands and orchestras, youth orchestras, and graduated to become majors in music at many acclaimed universities. However, the training of professionals is not the main aim: the emphasis throughout is on the development of the whole child, via education through music. For Flute lessons and classes, Hallie Chandola is a registered and highly trained teacher with the Suzuki Association of the Americas. The Suzuki Approach to Music Education was conceived in the mid-20th century by Suzuki, a Japanese violinist. As a skilled violinist but a beginner at the German language who struggled to learn it, Suzuki noticed that children pick up their native language quickly, whereas adults consider even dialects "difficult" to learn which are spoken with ease by children at age five or six. He reasoned that if children have the skill to acquire their native language, they have the necessary ability to become proficient on a musical instrument. "Musical ability is not an inborn talent but an ability which can be developed. Any child who is properly trained can develop musical ability, just as all children develop the ability to speak their mother tongue. The potential of every child is unlimited."--Dr. Shinichi Suzuki Hallie's Studio is a licensed Music Together center. Music Together is an early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age five—and the grownups who love them!® We’re on a mission to make the world a better place by making it more musical™. We do this by providing the highest-quality music and movement classes to families everywhere. First offered in 1987, our classes help little ones develop their innate musicality and much, much more. Hallie's Studio also offers homeschool music education in person and online.